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Boardwalk Investments: A Comprehensive Guide

Boardwalk Investments: A Comprehensive Guide


Boardwalk investments are a unique type of real estate investment that offers investors the potential for high returns. Boardwalks are elevated walkways that are typically located along the ocean or other bodies of water. They are popular tourist destinations and can generate significant revenue from concessions, retail stores, and restaurants.

Types of Boardwalk Investments

There are two main types of boardwalk investments:

  • Direct ownership: Investors can purchase a portion of a boardwalk or an entire boardwalk. This type of investment gives investors the most control over their investment, but it also comes with the highest level of risk.
  • Indirect ownership: Investors can purchase shares in a company that owns or operates a boardwalk. This type of investment gives investors less control over their investment, but it also comes with a lower level of risk.

Benefits of Boardwalk Investments

There are several benefits to investing in boardwalks, including:

  • High potential returns: Boardwalks can generate significant revenue from concessions, retail stores, and restaurants. This revenue can be used to pay dividends to investors or to reinvest in the boardwalk.
  • Diversification: Boardwalk investments can help investors diversify their portfolios. Boardwalks are not correlated to the stock market or other traditional investments.
  • Tax benefits: Boardwalk investments can qualify for certain tax benefits, such as depreciation and cost segregation.

Risks of Boardwalk Investments

There are also some risks associated with boardwalk investments, including:

  • Natural disasters: Boardwalks are located in coastal areas, which are vulnerable to hurricanes, floods, and other natural disasters.
  • Economic downturns: Boardwalk revenue can decline during economic downturns.
  • Competition: Boardwalks compete with other tourist destinations for visitors.

How to Invest in Boardwalks

There are several ways to invest in boardwalks, including:

  • Purchasing a portion of a boardwalk: Investors can purchase a portion of a boardwalk through a private placement or a public offering.
  • Purchasing shares in a company that owns or operates a boardwalk: Investors can purchase shares in a company that owns or operates a boardwalk through a stock exchange.
  • Investing in a boardwalk fund: Investors can invest in a boardwalk fund, which is a pool of money that is used to invest in boardwalks.

Due Diligence

Before investing in a boardwalk, it is important to conduct due diligence. This includes:

  • Reviewing the financial statements of the boardwalk or the company that owns or operates the boardwalk.
  • Visiting the boardwalk to assess its condition and popularity.
  • Speaking with other investors who have invested in boardwalks.


Boardwalk investments can be a good way to diversify a portfolio and generate high returns. However, it is important to understand the risks involved before investing. By conducting due diligence, investors can make informed decisions about whether or not to invest in boardwalks.

FAQs on Boardwalk Investments

What is a boardwalk investment?

A boardwalk investment is a type of real estate investment that involves purchasing a portion of a boardwalk, which is a walkway or promenade typically constructed along a beach or waterfront area. Investors can earn income through rental income from businesses operating on the boardwalk or through appreciation in the value of the property.

What are the benefits of investing in a boardwalk?

  • Passive income: Boardwalk investments can generate passive income through rental payments from businesses operating on the boardwalk.
  • Appreciation potential: Boardwalks are often located in desirable coastal areas, which can lead to potential appreciation in the value of the property.
  • Diversification: Boardwalk investments can provide diversification to an investment portfolio, as they are not directly correlated to the stock market or other traditional investments.

What are the risks of investing in a boardwalk?

  • Seasonality: Boardwalks are typically seasonal businesses, with higher revenue during peak tourist seasons.
  • Weather: Boardwalks can be damaged by storms or other weather events, which can impact rental income and property value.
  • Competition: Boardwalks may face competition from other attractions or businesses in the area.

How do I invest in a boardwalk?

There are several ways to invest in a boardwalk:

  • Direct ownership: You can purchase a portion of a boardwalk directly from the owner or developer.
  • Real estate investment trust (REIT): You can invest in a REIT that specializes in boardwalk investments.
  • Private equity fund: You can invest in a private equity fund that invests in boardwalk properties.

What should I consider before investing in a boardwalk?

Before investing in a boardwalk, you should consider the following factors:

  • Location: The location of the boardwalk is crucial, as it will determine the potential for rental income and appreciation.
  • Condition: The condition of the boardwalk and the businesses operating on it will impact the value of your investment.
  • Management: The management of the boardwalk is important, as it will affect the overall success of the investment.
  • Financial performance: Review the financial performance of the boardwalk, including rental income, expenses, and occupancy rates.
  • Legal and regulatory issues: Be aware of any legal or regulatory issues that may affect the boardwalk, such as zoning restrictions or environmental regulations.

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